Back in June, I gave a tour of MOHAI’s exhibits for the Queering the (History) Museum Symposium where I showed the Queer history that is already in the museum. My goal was to show that Queer history wasn’t started in the 1960s (or 1950s or 1920s), nor is it something that needs to be relagated to its own special separate exhibit. (Although Queering the (History) Museum will be doing a special exhibit at MOHAI starting in February 0f 2014. And it will be awesome.) Continue reading
Odds and Ends
I’ve been putting off writing this entry because I don’t have much to tell. I haven’t been able to get to the Puget Sound Archives to find the photos of the buildings on Block 113 and now I have a steady job, so it is unlikely I’ll get there soon, which is unfortunate.
Also, I have done some research into the inhabitants of the building, but I can only check on genealogy websites at the library, so that’s slow going as well. Since I don’t have much to report, I thought I would talk a little about the buildings that were on the block and put them in a bit of context. Continue reading
Lot 12, Top of the Hill
I’m a fairly lazy person, and the Internet only augments that in me. If I can find something online, I would rather do that in my jammies sipping a gin and tonic at 10:00 pm on a Saturday than get to the library to look up an address in the 1905 business directory at 2:00 pm. Which would take me all of two minutes. Much rather be at home.Luckily there is so much available on the Internet. Not everything, which is one of the reasons I’m doing this blog, but enough to get one started. Continue reading
New Kid on the Block
First of all, I apologize for the title of this post. It is unacceptable.
Second, this post is going to outline what I am attempting to do here on Block 113 and set the stage for the blog posts to come.
While I was working at MOHAI, a semi-famous local historian mentioned to me the fact that there is all this historical data, but that no one is doing anything to help people visualize it. He was referring to the murky information we had on the streetcar lines in Seattle and their dates of being built, but the point he brought up was valid. Continue reading